The Bareiss Animal World
The Bareiss Animal World delights children and adults alike and it is always wonderful to see the fascination that an encounter between humans and animals ignites. Whether it’s our petting zoo or the fallow deer enclosure, the bee hives on the Morlokhof or the research station on the »Forellenhof Buhlbach« trout farm, you can simply watch, quietly approach the animals or become a young expert on them
Three cheeky Classic Ponies, our playful African pygmy goats and a growing family of rabbits – this colourful bunch all call the petting zoo their home. They have an extremely calm temperament, are trusting and used to children. During the day the ponies and goats love to romp around in the meadow and in their enclosure. Our long-eared friends’ stable can be found right next to the tack room and is always open for a visit during the day.

Fallow deer enclosure
In our fallow deer enclosure near the edge of the forest, our growing herd has a species-appropriate habitat in an area of 15,000 m², with shelter in harsh weather and dense bushes to hide in. The animals can be observed at close range which is especially exciting when the young calves are born in spring.

Bee colonies
Our three bee colonies on the Morlokhof are of the Carnica variety. Each colony consists of about 50,000 bees and provides us with about 25 kilos of honey a year, 97.5 kilos being the record. The bees find their nectar in the forests and meadows around us, as well as from our fruit trees around the old Morlokhof. Without pollination by our bees, these would only bear a third of their fruit.

Forellenhof Buhlbach
In our fish farm at Forellenhof Buhlbach, our fish farmers also take time for our young guests. They are great storytellers and like to recount their first-hand experience and pass on their knowledge in a way that is suitable for children. If you like, you can even earn a real explorer's certificate and learn how to distinguish between rainbow trout, salmon trout, golden trout and char.